Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Why Women Don't Fall In Love With Nice Guys - 3 Ways to Reprogram How You Act Around a Woman Read more: Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

We've all heard some kind of saying that would suggest that women just don't seem to fall in love with nice guys. Well, there definitely are some exceptions to this rule, but on the average, nice guys do usually end up getting more heartache than it seems they would deserve. Does that mean that women are somehow callous and cruel? Or that you need to turn into a total jerk to have a chance to make women fall in love with you?
Not really. Most of the time, the reason why the nice guy always seems to get the raw end of the deal has more to do with the way that nice guys tend to act with women. If you can reprogram the way that you act around women, you can easily change the response and reaction that women give you. They just might start looking at YOU like the guy they want to get with.
Here are 3 ways to reprogram the way that you act around women:
1. Realize that in some kind of a way, you are "selling" yourself.
No, I'm not talking about any illegal kind of way. When you try to make a woman fall for you, you are kind of selling her an image of who you are and hoping that she bites and she likes what she sees in you. Well, when a nice guy tries to do this, he usually tries to use the wrong "hook." Hooks are what salespeople use to lure you in and prime you up for the sale, right? Well, if your only hook is that you are a really nice guy, you don't have a lot going for you.
There are a lot of nice guys out there, most women come across a nice guy at least once a day. You need to realize that trying to make a woman fall in love is a way of selling yourself, and you need to come up with your own unique hook. This is why the bad boys seem to have an edge. While you are trying to sell her vanilla, they are selling her some crazy new flavor that she has never tasted before.
2. Understand that your body language is going to give you away almost all of the time.
Ever hear of the term, fake it till you make it? Well, it's when you put on a false front, trying to come off as something that you are not. A lot of nice guys do this when they want to make a woman fall in love. Basically, they will try to put on an air that does not really match up with who they are. One thing that women have that guys don't usually have as keen of a sense on, is watching body language.
Your body language is going to give you away almost all of the time. So, when you try to come across as being the perfect gentleman or the kind of guy that has no flaws, she's going to be able to see through this. Look, your human, not a perfect being. So, don't play up the whole nice guy routine to the point where you try to seem perfect.
3. Women want to be able to meet a guy that they can have a fun and freeing time with, be that guy.
Because most nice guys try to come across as so "vanilla," they usually don't know how to relax and have a good time, and more importantly, bring that out in HER. If you are going to make a woman fall in love with you, you need to be able to make her feel like she can free herself, relax, and have an amazing time when she is with you. This is something that the bad boys just seem to do naturally. It's part of who they are, and women DO respond favorably to this, like it or not.

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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution


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