Thursday, September 30, 2010

A Good Time to Learn To Play Piano

Maybe your parents made you take piano lessons when you were young and you were miserable. Maybe you never had the opportunity to learn. Perhaps you wish you had taken advantage of the opportunity when you had it. Maybe you envied kids whose parents paid for lessons. Fortunately it's always the right time to learn to play piano.

Fortunately children are not the only people who can learn to play piano. Adult learners have the benefit of maturity and experience when they decide to study a musical instrument. They have more familiarity with more types of music an they may have a deep seated desire to learn that is lacking in children who have lessons imposed on them.

Some teachers recommend that parents play classical music for their children as soon as they are born as preparation for learning t play. Even if your parents didn't play Mozart for you in your crib the hours you have spent listening to music on your own has prepared your neural pathways. It has also given you strong musical preferences.

Thanks to modern technology now you can learn to play piano your way on your schedule. Instead of having to miss baseball practice to go to an old lady's stuffy parlor and play old songs you never heard of you can be in charge. You can learn to play what you want when you want.

There are benefits to learning music as a child and adults can benefit in many of the same ways. Music uses and develops different parts of the brain than are used in many other tasks. It encourages discipline, develops hand/eye coordination, better listening skills and memory.

Many students find that studying piano is relaxing and even functions as a form of meditation. Students of Zen find that as they perfect an art they move closer to perfection in all aspects of their lives. Studying piano often leaves a student refreshed and able to return to old tasks with a new point of view.

Of course the greatest benefit of learning piano is being able to play music when you want it the way you want it. There's nothing quite like being able to play a few tunes at a party. Some day you may play with a band or accompany singers. And maybe you'll just play for your own enjoyment.

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