Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Don't Fall Prey to These Typical Twitter Marketing Mistakes Read more: Under Creative Commons License: Attribution

If you're just starting out with Twitter marketing, then you shouldn't make the mistake of beginning the promotional efforts right way. Twitter is a great community that people use to connect with each other over various shared ideas and this is why you need to be subtle when you first start marketing on the service--become part of the community itself before you start sending out promotional messages.

When people begin following you they are hoping that you will be sharing useful and/or entertaining information. But instead of that if you bluntly start marketing your products/services, it will be a huge turn off to your followers, making your whole efforts go fruitless. A proper approach involves sending out lots of niche-centric information for free to gain your followers' trust and then sending out actual marketing messages when you feel that the response to them would be better. Besides that basic point, a bigger point is that being a valued member of the Twitter community can only help the feasibility of your long term business!

So keep your marketing at bay, at least in the start. First get people to trust you and create a nice impression and then try to make money. Another Twitter marketing error is being overly friendly with your followers. Yes, you shouldn't bombard them with hundreds of tweets in a day, but at the same time, you have to stay in the forefront. In order to get this done, you have to still tweet them at acceptable interval times because if you don't, you will be lost among the other tweets that they see. Don't start substituting your quality tweets with a large quantity of lack luster tweets.

There is absolutely nothing wrong in tweeting them every now and then, as long as you're giving them information that they can use. But overall, your focus should be on staying ahead of your competitors by giving your followers a treat after treat. If it's good, it won't make them mad. In fact they would be more than happy to see you so active.

One of the easiest Twitter tips to follow is to be as social as you can be. Twitter is an important community that is made up of people who want nothing more than to interact with each other, learn from each other and talk to each other. When you are more social you are contributing to the overall purpose for Twitter which is to build a common space for sharing opinions and ideas. Also, this will make you look more genuine and trustable in the eyes of your followers.

Nothing is as good as being able to interact with your target audience on a friendly level and market your own products to them.

All in all, you can avoid these Twitter marketing mistakes if you keep them in mind.

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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution


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