Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Publishing your Poetry Online

As many writers know, it is a challenge to find people to critique their work and offer suggestions on improvement. With all of the big poetry and story publishing websites on the web, it is easy for a single poem to get lost in a sea of millions. This is why it is important for writers to find a more focused to site to post their work to.
Unlike many other poetry websites, Lafango often runs a variety of poetry and story writing contests. You can even invite other experienced writers to collaborate on and critique your work through using our innovative CollabLab or even joining or starting a poetry Group. With the implementation of Lafango Groups, writers will be able to interact directly with each other to share stories and poetry online. Writers can compose compositions that can be added to their profile and shared publicly and also within groups. The Lafango Reader application creates an interactive version of your written work while protecting it from 'copy & pasting'.
Lafango artists have a public home with customizable stages to present all of their creations. Acting as a Digital Dashboard, a writer has a customizable space to share and display their writing to the world.
While other media-sharing sites often constrain their users with file size limits, Lafango is breaking the mold by removing those limitations. With a staggering 2 GB limit on individual uploads, artists can upload an infinite supply of writing without having to worry about running out of storage space.
Sharing your poetry with the world has never been easier.
Lafango - Everything Talent

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Under Creative Commons License: Attribution


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