Kashmir dispute a conspiracy Part 2 London plan
By Prof Ghulam Mohyuddin Wani
In our first chapter we described the roots of Kashmir dispute, how it became a problem and how it was high jacked from a country status to a dispute between twins countries born on that fateful day of 15th August, 1947.This paper shall give some dates of international conspiracy called as London plan
Had India not divided Kashmir would have survived as an independent country and would have been more powerful than the present Jewish state of Israel due to its geopolitical and geographic location. It borders USSR,CHINA,AFGANISTAN,and is the potent link of earstwhile silk route.
The past decade cold war's would have given it a status of peace and tranquillity like present Geneva.It could have led the world to peace through the blend of communism and capitalism. Its rich inheritance of Sufism and knowledge would have clubbed the world and peace would have flowed down the Himalayas than the blood it was forced to shed after 1947.The criminal conspiracies can be dated and hinted in the following paragraphs given to me by a classmate, DR G.G AHMED This is in fact his research data which I have a privilege to translate and publish on his behest.
In the war of 1971 the whole objectives of the India, USSR and other conspirators could be attained .Although the Bangladesh was born but the birth of the other objected states like Azad Baluchistan and Paktunistan could not be achieved due to the Tika Khan like brave soldiers in the army of Pakistan. The bifurcation or the trifurcation of Pakistan was resisted by the brave acts of the defeated army of Pakistan through the political will of ZULFIKAR ALI BHATOO.This man always acted as a blemish in the eye of conspirators and his famous narration I quote "we will eat grass but build a nuclear deterrent "The man in veil Prof Dr ABDUL Qadir Khan the nuclear scientist under the; leadership of Bhutto made it possible for the war torn state of Pakistan to have a nuclear bomb. It is in fact this bomb which secured PAKISTAN till date otherwise the plans to annul it would have been executed much earlier. The Kashmir cause too got a jolt as resources of Pakistan were not enough to wage a war or counter insurgency simultaneously.
The dictator yahya Khan before Bhutto
Yahiya the worst had made made Pakistan a defunct state and was pushed to the brick of the ditch.Butoo got the state back from death to breath He lured the Muslim world and had a conference of oil rich Muslim countries to fund his nuclear deal. He made the Arabs and Muslim realise the power of oil weapon. I remember the news sidelines when the mighty KISSENGER of America threatened Bhutto of dare consequences on the act and which ultimate saw his execution and a new world order coming to fore front in the form of crumbling of USSR and birth of Jihad elements now blamed on Pakistan and Afghanistan although they are the consequences of the American and British policies. They were useful in breaking the USSR but gave birth to a new enemy the AL-QUEDA.
Thus ALL-QUEDA is the child of USA and ALLIED FORCES AND NOT OF PAKISTAN OR AFGANISTAN.It a force turned back on their masters when they saw their games of divide and rule. We may call it finish and forget policy of West after bifurcation of Pakistan which led to the present war against Muslims, thus to that extent it was a conspiracy to keep the INDO-PAK subcontinent burning and which may lead to a counter current of debacle for west through their own acts and miscalculations. I call it dig a dig in a path of truth you may fall ultimately in it. It happened in Veitnam, is` happenening in Iraq and Afganistan.
Many other experiments and evil designs in Somalia, Sudan, Iran and host other countries may have the same end. Here we shall present the London conspiracy in brief as follows. London plan objective. Its events initiated around January 1973 and were operative up to December, 1975.
Background music
1. Islamic conference on oil as a weapon led by Mr.Bhatoo alarmed the west against an up rise against its tactic manipulation of Muslim oil. 2. The capacity of Pakistan to built a nuclear deterrent, I call it deterrent as it was to neutralize the nuclear bomb processed by India with USSAR CO-OPERATI ON. 3.Strategic ties of Pakistan with china and completion of Karrakorum highway. 4.Birth of Bengladesh and emergence of India as a power from begging bowl to self sufficient nation(Food Security)
1.India and USSR were the central forward players and finaced the plan through their agencies.They fuelled the fire via KGB AND RAW.
2.Western forces annoyed with oil gesture and nuclear bomb of Pakistan and its Jewish policy designers.They were assisted by people and parties within India,Pakistan who have an unfinshed agenda.The groups and corrupt forces always supported the destructive and evil forces.
Objectives to be attained
1.Trifurcation of Pakistan into BOLOCHASTHAN ,PACKTUNISTAN and Pakistan .This would pave a way to unite kashmir under the domicile of India
Research investigative proofs.
1. The movement of pelbecite lead by SKIEK ABDULLAH known in local vernicular as Mehz azadi the call which echoes till date in Kashmir was initiated by the erstwhile National conference. It is said Mirza afzal beg was not in favour of the move until a letter brought by Haksar indicating Pakistan's inability to support them financially as before .This letter is said to have been managed under Simila accord .This was the root cause of Beg-Parthasathy accord and handing over of the charge of chief minister Qasim to SKiek.Only mirch leader sofi mohd Akber did not agree and was removed like a fly from milk pan.The other players on behalf of Mrs Gandhi were Miss Mardullah Sarah Bahei,Jai Parkash Narain,CPI members and other national leaders.The folly of the accord can be seen from the Radio announcements of Radio kashmir ( RK )AND all India radio(AIR).In their evening bulletin they named sheik as wazeer azam of kashmir but a few days later he was deceived again and as usual called as chief Minister, thus falsifying his claim of returning to 1953 position This humiliation was so much that many able and knowledgeable notables and professor ,youth left the of SKEIK WAGAN and joined Sofi Akbar as Inklabi national conference. On one occasion I bear a witness when a plebiscite leader of my home district Mir sahib arranged a meeting of mine with Beg sahib who was Agriculture Ministers met him to grant me leave for accepting ICAR fellowship for MVSc.Beg sahib was mum in his private office and asked me and Mir to join him in his car to office. Where he informed Mir all the office bearers in his office are raw agents of connected with central agencies as such it difficult to be frank or discuss. He was repenting the accord and was cursing sheik for anti kashmir decisions and showed his inability to help me as it may led to a policy to allow all dim and Harry to use leave as a source to be on fellowships. His plea was you are one who has got it but there are many in the row on the other side of the fence to gain cemetery in the state services through proxy and central assistenece.This truth is realized only now very few Muslims of Kashmir get job on merit in Indian departments or concerns and in the state of Jammu and Kashmir a 2-5 % 45%PRESENTATION in the Govt services.
A mere 2 lac people displaced for such placement benefits claim a separate home land as they are migrants. We admit migration of kashmir Pundits was not good but we have to read it in the context of Sikh massacre in Farook Abdullah time when in reality it turned to be Indian agency mooted cold murders to down rate the kashmir azadi movement. We have even today kashmiri pundits I quote Mr chaman Lal Koul of Kaloosa Bandipure,DR Dher a noted Physician,Mr M L DHER A NOTABLE AGRICULTURALIST, and even a politician who was in captive of militants for months Kusam Lata as inhabitants of Kashmir and helping Indian cause without fear and escape. There were migrations forced by Indian sponsored militants who killed thousands in cold blood, tortured millions and disappeared thousands
.In a movement evil do play foul but more foul was played in Kashmir by those who as fed by Kashmir exchequer-the so called security forces. Any honest man having been to Kashmir then or now will remain convinced that security force is in fact destructive and repressive forces. One wonders if India cries Kashmir as its integral part why they treat Kashmiri public with hate, scorn and intimidate them on every way possible. For Kashmiri Pundit migration where was the security forces, wining and dining or facilitating migration to burn societies, villages and towns. A version of the migration is that Hindu exodus was a prelude to repressive laws enforces which killed, raped and massacred thousands including non migrant Hindus. We know a Hindu teacher and my dear friend and his wife killed by an Indian Ikwani insurgent as they were helping the Muslim community and resisting migrating. The killer is now rejoicing in Krankshuvan colony of spore enjoying security cover of Indian forces. Why Kashmiri Pundits observe silence on the killers like Kuka, majeed, jawed shah who have killed innocent honest teachers and students to gain false promotions for their masters the security forces.
IF AN INDEPENDENT INTERNATIONAL AGENCY IS ALLOWED TO INVESTIGATE THE DEATHS OF KASHMIR PANDITS AND MUSLIMS We shall come to a conclusion it was the hard work of agencies Even a commissioner level officer of Kashmir agreed that Maulana Farooq was got killed through captured freedom fighter who too was annulled soon after. This was the statement of Wjahat-Hibullah as referred to in the press. We intend to discuss the conspiracies under following heads in our future presentation in this web.
a) Events of 30th May, 1972, when CM Mir qasim offered to be replaced with SHIEK.It may be worth mentioning here Mir Qasims daugheter now in USA WAS A poor rated TDC part I PASS OF 1967 who got entry in GMC SRINAGA by allotting 50% Female Qouta.It is said his house at Bagat got lacs of eggs from AH department for chip floor shinning through a khajua Mohyuddin director of Animal Husbandry who was retired voluntarily by Sheik govt. B) Admission of Sheik and BEG IN AIIMS in June, 1972 to facilitate tract 2 talks and a conspiracy attachment episode. c) Replacement of Zahir shah of Afghanistan in July, 1973 as he did not supported the conspiracy and much more in future episodes. Note. I am not a historian as such I have collected the information from many source which have been corrected in view of news reports .Any correct, suggestion or revision is requested from all. I wish to compile this as a book. Please send your questions, suggestions to me or to this web. My email is fastwani@yahoo.com
Read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/journalism-articles/kashmir-dispute-part-2-lodon-plan-3148045.html#ixzz0xwpJ1SG3
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Saturday, August 28, 2010
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