Saturday, August 28, 2010

Enlarge Your Penis Using Penis Traction Device

Penis size is a big problem. Many men recall being ridiculed and teased in the locker rooms at school about the size of their manhood and those kinds of remarks can turn into a feeling of inadequacy and that fear sometimes still follows a man well into his adult life. Despite what people say that ‘size doesn't matter', we know to the contrary that indeed size does matter. For many, sexual relationships with women fail because the man is a); anxious of not being able to rise to the occasion or fulfil his partner, and b); the woman balking at the sight of his small penis. And besides; no man in his right mind would claim he is happy and proud of his miniscule tool. Although one's own personal idea of small is different to the next person's idea of small, some may claim its out of vanity, but when it comes to the crunch if both men and women were totally honest, a larger penis is infinitely more sexually pleasing, more macho and more attractive to the eye.

There have been various methods of enlargement even dating back to Medieval and Egyptian times e.g.) the very antiquated and savage method of dangling weights or rocks from the penis. This method was thought to improve their sexual stamina and although there was the capacity for new tissue expansion; the actual idea itself was an enormously unsafe method of lengthening the penis. Although it was alleged to work; it more often than not just caused severe injury. So as you can understand, penis-enlargement is nothing new even in those ancient times- men yearned for a larger penis. Credit must go to the many technological advances made since, penis-enlargement has come on leaps and bounds since then.

The next technique of penis-enlargement that was designed was the penis pump. These are straightforward devices that were devised in the 1970's, it comprises of a hollow tube for the penis and a handle to thrust out air from the tube which then makes a vacuum surrounding the penis. It makes blood to flow into the penis which results in an erection. A rubber ring that is positioned out around the bottom allows the penis to hold its erectile state by keeping the blood that gets caught in the penis so you can make love without losing the erection.

By creating the vacuum-like seal around the penis that pulls the blood to the surface, it swells the penis and makes it appear larger. Nethertheless, the results are not permanent and quite genuinely, actual penis-enlargement is not possible. Penis pumps are more suited for erectile dysfunction problems because of the greater blood flow to the penis and the facility to have and maintain an erection is improved tenfold. Some (but not all) penis pumps are FDA approved and medically tested to work, enabling a man to perform better between the sheets. But when considering enlarging the penis, it will only look larger and these effects will are not permanent. Some men have reported injury as a result of using penis pumps.

Penis traction is the most recent and most successful procedure known worldwide and authenticated by medical doctors and researchers. It is preferable over risky surgical procedures and incompetent pills and patches. As well as, erratic pumps for penis enhancement and enlargement. Traction is in medical terms, where carefully controlled pressure is put to use on a body part to help to mend after surgery, shock or injury. It means stressing the tissues by stretching and then allowing the body to reconstruct itself naturally. The stretching opens up spaces between cells, sparks off a growth or healing response in the body. In the case of penis-enlargement, a penis traction device is used. The device applies the stretching pressure by means of adaptable, calibrated bars between an anatomically curved base that fits at ease at the base of the penis and a surgical-grade band that slips over the glans (head).

As the organ lengthens, the traction can be fitted correctly. The piece of equipment can be worn inconspicuously under clothes for many hours a day or even overnight. The carefully controlled stretching pressure prompts the healing and growth response in the penis. This growth effect adds hundreds of new cells and in doing so; enlarges the penis, in length and thickness.

If you are searching for a prompt way of enlarging your penis in a safe, controlled fashion with full medical backing and one that is certain to work you need to plump for SizeGenetics. Not only can you accomplish an increase of up to 3 inches but also the most rock solid erections you have ever felt and your sexual desire will be sky high. Feel safe in the knowledge that women will be fulfilled time and time again and have the love life you've been aching for

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