Saturday, August 28, 2010

How to Correctly Read the Bible

Reading the Bible is not like reading just any other book. If you approach it in the same way that you normally read, you will get lost and confused, and as a result, you will lose interest and give up.

You must look at the Bible as God's answers to your prayers. Many have missed this important concept when reading the Bible. You must understand that the Bible is God in written words. So when you are reading, you are actually communicating with God Himself.

Look at the Bible as a triplex exposure; it's compiled of old, new, and future. You could also look at it as past, present, and what's to come.

Although you may have the Old Testament and the New Testament, if you look at the Bible in its correct form, which is called a Covenant, you would understand that there are three layers of promises that were made by God:

1: The history of what occurred
2: The present of how we should live
3: The revelation of what's to come

Would you believe that all three are heading in the same direction?

The entire Bible concept is centered on one single purpose--JESUS CHRIST. This is where many are lost in there pursuant to define the Bible. This may sound strange to you, but the Bible is a living being. Yes, it's actually alive. So to understand the Bible, it will take Jesus Christ to reveal to you what is written about Him. Since He is not here in the human form, it will take His Spirit.

Now, after you receive His Spirit, take your time and read in this order.

First, get to know Him by reading the entire gospel of St. John in the New Testament.

Listen to the first few words of St John, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men."

Continue reading through the entire chapter.

Then go back to St. Matthew, which is also in the New Testament, and read through the rest of the New Testament, except the book of Revelation.

This will help you understand the Old Testament. Next, read the Old Testament. When you finish and understand, conclude by reading Revelation. That is how you read the Bible in its correct form.

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