Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Roulette Sniper Scam

Roulette is probably the easiest game to understand, but one of the hardest to master. Fortunately, you don't need to be a master of the Roulette table because Roulette Sniper does that for you!
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I have made it so easy for you to win at roulette, it is like stealing candy from a baby, but in this case, you're taking money from the rich and greedy online casinos!
Win at Roulette faster, smarter, and with super-precise betting using this roulette strategy!
Casino gambling strategy have never been so easy. If you are the kind of person who could use a little extra cash, then Roulette Sniper is definately for you.
Well, you asked for it and you got it. Using myself as your personal software developer, I took in your suggestions and made the original Roulette Sniper software better than ever before.
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These so-called roulette strategy originals couldn't even take the time to improve their roulette software. They tried to copy it exactly and pitifully claimed themselves as the originals. They even copied my testimonials!
What the hell is that all about? I have the ORIGINAL emails of all my testimonials.
Lastly, they outsourced the development of their software to places where gambling is ILLEGAL. Hmm. Interesting.
Multiple bets means multiple martingale sessions going on at any given time. Any experienced roulette player knows that martingale will kill your bankroll.
The customers of Roulette Sniper have figured out a way to defeat this problem, and allowed me to program the advanced roulette strategy into the new version.
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