Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Babri Masjid Result,Ayodhya Verdict Case Result

"Is my country better than the entire world"? This question started tormenting my mind, when I heard few lines from one of the classic poem ‘saare jahan se achcha, hindostaan humara, hum bul bulian hain iski yeh gulsitan hamara' (Better than the entire world, is our India we are its nightingales and this is our garden) which was taught & being practiced by some children in one of the municipal schools. The poem was written by the poet sir Allama Muhammad Iqbal (a Muslim and an Indian poet) in 1904 – 1905. The poem in itself is rich in giving an idea about the glorious past, valued culture and timeless principles of India. Surely, this masterpiece was composed by an Indian who had true spirit of Patriotism and right sense of God & love "Mazhab nahi sikhataa apas mein bayr rakhnaa, hindee hain hum, vatan hindostaan hamara" (Faith does not teach us to harbor grudges between us, we are all Indians and India is our homeland), these lines when heard from the mouths of those young nightingales of our country, my heart was filled with great pity and concern for them. Is the gulsitan (Garden) taught to them a real gulsitan for them today? Those innocent lives are still away from the violent mob of selfish peoples & crowd of immature and irrational mindset of people who play with divinity of a religion by their own standards of self seeking and greedy motives. Does a religion ever teach to hate someone or can a particular religion prove that God has formed them differently? All I know is that every religion when studied well, teaches us to hate Sin and not sinner. My heart always looks for a console when I think of the events which promoted hatred among us on the basis of illogical religious issues in our country.December 6, 1992 was one such day which shadowed the glorious past of India by mighty & dark cloud of hatred and division. It was the day when ‘Babri Masjid' (place of worship for Muslims) was demolished by Hindu nationalists. It was an act of few dim-witted followers of Hinduism and the reactions to the same "the serial bomb blasts in Mumbai" were act of few dim witted followers of Islam. Few hypocrites of Hindu religion believe that "the mosque stood on the Ramkot ("Rama's fort") hill (also called Janamsthan ("birthplace"). According to Hindus, it was built on the birthplace of the deity Rama after the Mughal rulers demolished the Ram Mandir ("Temple of Rama") on its location as they had done to many other temples around India". Thus the mosque was in turn destroyed by Hindu activists in a riot on December 6, 1992. More than 2000 people were killed in the riots following the demolition. Riots broke out in many major Indian cities including Mumbai, Delhi and Hyderabad, killing many innocent and helpless lives in the name of religion. Being follower of one's faith was being cursed by many who could not stand the jeopardy which fell on them by following their own faith. The selfish motives of few corrupt politicians not only created unrest but stirred a salt of hatred and violence in sweet drink of religion, which is meant to taste Goodness of God's love and care towards all. These events have not only created a great rift of hatred and disrespect towards one another's faith but are also responsible for disabling the movement of unity & love in India. History is never forgotten, and if it is terrible then its disfigurement is very hard to be approved later. Same is with this event; I can observe the deep emotion of irrational resentment in mind of every Muslim friend of mine who is engulfed by the shameful act on that day, and I can also observe the brainless sentiments of move towards building the Mandir on that land in the minds of few Hindu friends of mine. Adhering to one's own faith is respected and appreciated but clinging to principals beyond spiritual realm of religion is very dim-witted behavior. The major reason between rift and differences between any religions, castes or races is due to lack of wisdom & knowledge towards understanding about God & His kingdom. I believe every religion is the way towards almighty God, the way all the rivers flow to meet the oceans and seas, rivers which are never concerned about the things around their banks, the only thing they concerned are about meeting the ocean. Thus the way is to be followed not by mere practices & tradition but by spirit of Truth & righteousness, not concerned by worldly and temporary things. If a true seeker persistently wants to follow the way, God always provides wisdom and knowledge to follow the Way with His Spirit. Rift between Hindus & Muslims is being much broadened due to lack of humbleness and love towards each other and lack of right intellect of God. From the invasions of Mughal in India, the image of Muslims has been disfigured in the hearts of many Hindus, and partition of India only added much resentment in each others heart. Principles of Islam have always been misunderstood and misinterpreted throughout the world. If studied well, Islam is a religion, having a system to live a well balanced practical life and its way towards spirituality too is led by principles of peace, love & unity. Being a Hindu by birth and a follower & servant of Jesus Christ, I myself have learnt and applied its beautiful aspects in my life too but I've always been away from nominal face of Islam and other religions too. The reason for such contempt towards Islam in minds of few Hindus is because of Muslims only. Yes, they have never brought out the goodness & beautiful principles of Islam to this world; they have been always busy holding them back within their own practices. Even attitude of few Muslims towards other faiths, subjecting them to be apart from the God they know. Well, will such attitude ever be appreciated by God? Allah is always just and righteous, He don't have any favorites; He never divides, the only thing He divides is good from Evil. This is not only with Muslims; but all other faiths too have the same understanding for their faiths too. It so sad, that man has divided Himself under different faiths, forgetting the fact that we all are creation of only one God.Now, coming back to the issue of Babri Masjid or Ram Janmabhoomi; on 16 December 1992, Liberhan Commission was set up by the Government of India to probe the circumstances that led to the demolition of the Babri Masjid. It has been longest running commission in India's history with several extensions granted by various governments. There is no estimate of when the report will be given by this Commission. The legal case continues on the title deed of the land tract which is for the government controlled property. While the Muslim parties have agreed to hand over the land if it is proven a temple existed and demanding it be proven that it is indeed Ram Janmabhoomi (i.e. Rama was born on this site), the Hindu side wants a law in parliament to have it constructed, saying ‘faith in the existence of Ram Janmabhoomi can not be decided in a court of law'. Government of India will always try to escape from this, as it seeks its own interest to be in power. This issue can only be resolved by ‘we' the people of India. ‘We', who belong to the land which has welcomed different kind of civilizations to be enriched and developed in its unmatched riches and grandeur, land which accepted every distant invader as its own. Land who's Soil has healing power; which has always been like a medicine when applied on timeless wounds of hatred & disarray. Land which elevated great souls like Guru Nanak Ji, Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Teresa and many other countless saints who lived life of utmost selfless service towards people of this land never bearing in mind their origin of faith. Soil, which when tilled giving only provisions but never grumbled. Do we belong to this land? Are we grown playing in its soil having aroma of peace and love? Have we forgotten its ethics and characteristics? We are Color Blinded by saffron & green colors, forgetting that "white" the color of peace with wheel of prosperity, is the one which completes our tricolor (Tiranga) honor. Every time there's a distress because of such absurd demands of raising the monuments for the assumed faith of few fake religious fanatics, my heart goes restless; it is troubled whenever they fight against each other for a piece of land. A suggestion I would like to give to all our Muslim & Hindu brothers who are spellbind by meaningless proclamation & creating sensitive movement in the name of religion by few selfish political & so called religious leaders. We must not get fascinated by half truths and absurd doctrines of such people who are under influence of evil and iniquity. Don't forget that, there is only ONE GOD, who created all of us. God is a Spirit and should be worshipped with spirit. God who loves worship from broken & humble hearted. Both Hinduism and Islam teaches that 'our bodies are mortal but our soul is immortal', so it is with this earth too and the things in it. Why to fight for the things that a mortal & temporary. Let us build a (Masjid) mosque in the heart every true Muslims, Masjid so strong that no one can ever destroy it. A place where prayers and worship is offered to Allah without any grudge in heart, a place that welcomes true seeker of God irrespective of their faith. Place which is not bound by any boundaries or diameters. Mosque, built with spirit love and service towards Allah and all of His mankind. The whole earth being a mosque, prayers may be offered anywhere, singly or in congregation, and accordingly no consecration of the mosque is necessary. The Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be on him, said: "I have been granted five things which were not granted to any one before me: and for me the earth has been made a mosque and a means of Purification; therefore, if prayer overtakes any person of my community, he should say his prayers (wherever he is)....... (B. 7: 1.)" If this is what that the revered prophet has said, then why are we limiting ourselves? O, my beloved Muslim brother, please don't get carried away by half truth, seek Allah earnestly, He is faithful enough to lead in the way of Truth.And to my Hindu brothers, let us conceive the spirit of Lord Rama within our hearts, let your heart be the birth place of righteousness like that of Lord Rama. Isn't it true? That, Lord Rama never fought for His birth right or even to injustice of exile against Him. He left his palace and lived in woods; he accepted everything with humbleness and love. During his period of exile, he blessed every place he visited with righteousness and love towards every kind of life. There are more than 800 temples of lord Rama in ayodhya both small and big, but still few selfish Hindu activists wants to build one more temple, they are so blind that they can't see glory of Rama in love and humbleness. It's foolishness to restore boundless spirit of lord Rama within boundaries of diameters. Let there be spirit of Rama in every Hindu's heart. Let us build a temple with earnest efforts of being righteous and humble like lord Rama. In my attempts to unite mankind under one roof of love( God), I always get encouraged by reminding myself about those small kids singing those beautiful lines of an beautiful poem, "Mazhab nahi sikhataa apas mein bayr rakhnaa, hindee hain hum, vatan hindostaan hamara" ‘saare jahan se achcha, hindostaan humara, hum bul bulian hain iski yeh gulsitan hamara". I can hear a small voice of hope singing with them deep inside their hearts. I yearn to God to strengthen and guide these young souls to build a place of worship where everyone can come with spirit of love and unity. To make this country a real Gulsitan, Gulsitan where flowers of hope, love, humility & unity may blossom, and their fragrance may spread all over the world, crossin

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